57th IQ-Net Conference in Eindhoven
The 57th conference of the IQ-Net network took place on 11-13 November 2024 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands hosted by the Managing Authority Stiumulus (OP Zuid).
The main theme of the conference was: “Regional Innovation Strategies: Governance and Implementation".
The first part of the Conference reviewed most recent developments on the remaining activities of the 2014-2020 programmes and the implementation of the 2021-2027 programmes.
In the second part, discussions turned to the theme of Regional Innovation Strategies and provided IQ-Net partners the opportunity to exchange experiences on their relatedness model and Smart Specialisation strategies.
The Greek delegate attending the conference was Mrs Stavrioula Pelekasi, member of the Unit for Programming, Coordination and Monitoring of the National Smart Specialisation Strategy - General Secretariat of Regional Development Corporate Agreement (ESPA) - Ministry of Economy & Finance.
Public body
Management Organisation Unit of Development Programmes (MOU SA)
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