MOU provides technical support to Municipalities, other beneficiaries and public bodies involved in the implementation of waste management projects, contributing thus in the effective application of the Regional Waste Management Plans (RWMP) and the compliance with the national and European environmental legislation.
The supported projects include sanitary landfills, commingled Waste Treatment Plants, Biowaste Treatment Plants, Household Waste Recycling Centres, programmes and actions of separate collection of recyclables and biowastes, restoration of uncontrolled waste disposal sites etc.
Technical support may be provided at any stage of the projects' implementation, such as planning, environmental licencing, technical studies, fulfilment of funding requirements, tendering, implementation of the public contracts etc.
The “in situ” provided technical support is complemented by training and the relevant manuals by MOU, such as the following:
- Methodology of the development of Household Wastes Recycling Centres, 2018
- Methodology of the development of municipal systems of biowaste management, 2019
Furthermore, MOU provides technical support, regarding planning and implementation of waste management projects to Managing Authorities, the Ministry of Environment and other public bodies involved.