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European Union - European Regional Development Fund


To achieve the ongoing enhancement of tools and methods for staff training and development, the MOU is designing and implementing since 2007 an E-Learning System. The system, which is web-based, aims to increase the number of people receiving training. Moreover, it allows the MOU to introduce more flexible ways of organising and providing knowledge, better suited to the pressured and complex environment in which NSRF staff works.

MOU has extended its e-learning system to Beneficiaries developing e-courses adapted to their specific needs.

The MOU system consists of asynchronous learning, synchronous learning in a virtual classroom and tools to support cooperative learning.

Training is targeted in the following areas:

  • technical knowledge and procedures on co funded development programmes / projects, project management 
  • management & administration skills 
  • computer skills 
  • language skills (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish)

If you need more information on the MOU E-learning system, please contact us.


Last modification date: 12/02/2024