The Greek "Best Practices" in the European Parliament
The Management Organisation Unit was invited by the European Parliament's Committee of Regional Development to present during a public hearing in Brussels (17th July) the Greek experience in best practices co-financed by the structural funds of the European Union. The public hearing "Best practices in the field of regional policy and obstacles to the use of Structural Funds" was attended by a MOU delegation, whilst the Director General Mr Dex Agourides delivered the presentation and participated in the discussion with the European Parliament's Members.
The project, an inititative of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, regards the establishment of a mechanism for the collection and promotion of best practices co-financed by the Community Support Framework. The MOU defined selection criteria, established the collection mechanism in collaboration with the managing authorities and designed in cooperation with the Ministry competent services their publicity with the website of 3rd CSF best practices.
The way the project was tackled with in Greece, meaning the identification, selection and formalisation of best practices, was highlighted in a relevant european study. During the public hearing it was very warmly received by the members of the Regional Development Committee and was deemed as "a highly sophisticated system", qualified for dissemination to other european countries.
The website, promoting the best practices to the public and inspiring bodies implementing projects, presents 57 best practices and is enriched on a steady basis.
It was designed inhouse and was co- financed by the Operational Programme Technical Assistance 2000-2006.
Further documentation (zip file) includes:
* Press release of the European Parliament (PDF, 76 KB)
* Executive summary of the study requested by the European Parliament (PDF, 70 KB)
* Poster promoting the public hearing (PDF, 1 MB)
Public body
Management Organisation Unit of Development Programmes (MOU SA)
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