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European Union - European Regional Development Fund

 Know-how & Information

One of the chief reasons for establishing the MOU was so that know-how could be transferred and information effectively disseminated to all the bodies responsible for implementing the Community Support Framework.

Since the 1994-1999 Community Support Framework, the MOU has dealt with issues such as how to create a core of know-how to solve administrative weaknesses, how to create management information systems expertise and how to disseminate information about successful experience of reforms implemented in the framework of the CSF.

During 2000 - 2006, the MOU worked in the following areas:

Developing tools and models
The MOU contributes to the administrative, organisational and procedural reform of the system for managing and applying co-financed programmes and projects. To this end, it designed and developed specific organisational and technological tools to help ensure that the CSF was managed and implemented in a uniform, transparent and appropriate manner, fully respecting the obligations arising from the Community regulatory framework at all levels.

The systems, tools and manuals that were produced focused mainly on assisting the Managing Authorities and the Final Beneficiaries, but many of them were also intended for non-specialists (such as the Glossary of Regional Development Terms) or bodies involved in the preparation and implementation of CSF technical projects. In general, the MOU tools are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Guides presenting in detail maturation procedures for the main categories of public infrastructure projects, as well as procedures for expropriation, archaeological permits, procurement, etc (available in Greek)
  2. Manuals on administrative procedures (available in Greek)
  3. Publicity and information material

Information activities. International cooperation with other Member States and acceding states

The MOU carries out a number of activities concerning information and exchange of know-how.

  • It is a partner in the IQ-Net network coordinated by the University of Strathclyde,
  • Participated in the European Commission’s Structural Funds Information Team (SFIT)
  • Participated in the S3 Network (Sharing Solutions on Structural Funds). In the framework of the S3 Network a meeting took place in March 2006 at the MOU headquarters. The main theme of this meeting was to promote MOU as an example of best practice for CSF III management.

Furthermore, the MOU collaborates closely with other Member States. It has worked with representatives of bodies from Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain, Slovakia, Germany, the Netherlands, Hungary, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Romania.

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Last modification date: 16/01/2024